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The Kongalytics Team: Our Week in Tech News

As you might imagine, the team members at Kong Digital are quite the tech enthusiasts. We spend lunch times browsing the latest news, testing gadgets and dreaming of owning the next big thing. Obviously, we’re also keen on new developments in all things Internet and marketing too.

We’d love to share with you some of the things that stood out to us on a weekly basis. As individuals, our tastes and interests vary – we hope that sharing our favourite stories and articles gives you a small insight into the personalities that make the Kong team!


Picture this: 2 shops are right next to each other. However, one attracts more customers than the other, although both have the same goods. This is for one reason; the one shop that attracts more customers uses the concept of interaction with people. This is in terms of consumer suggestions, attractive offers, contests and displays. These methods draw more people, as the overall environment makes a customer feel more comfortable.

In terms of web design, the concept can work in the same manner. If a website is one sided in expressing content about your company, product or service, users will feel bored. Isn’t communication the best thing? Why not make it happen on your website?

Article via Business 2 Community: How Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Helps to Guide Better UI Design


I’ve been learning a lot about the use of video in advertising recently, because there’s so much to keep up with – it’s an ever evolving landscape! This particular article answered some of my FAQs, particularly on KPIs. It also confirms that benchmarks aren’t always possible although they’re something that many like to aspire to or surpass. I’m sure I’ll be reading something new every week on video marketing!

Article via Think With Google: How to Identify the Right KPIs for Online Video: Lessons From Google BrandLab


I shared this within the team this week and it’s fair to say the whole team was amazed by the numbers being thrown around. Of course, we all know the importance of Google and Facebook for advetsiting, but I think this gives everyone more of an idea of how key is is to get campaigns right, because there’s stiff competition out there!

Article via Google and Facebook Now Make More From Ads Than Every Newspaper, Magazine, and Radio Network In the World Combined


I’ve owned a OnePlus since meeting their team at the Web Summit in 2015, so this week I’ve been reading a lot of reviews following the announcement of the OnePlus 5 last week. I’ve read mostly good reviews so far but there is the feeling that it could have been so much better, especially given that their price scale has risen. So now I’m on the fence as to whether to buy one or not!

Article via Forbes: OnePlus 5 Review: A Risky Gamble Against Samsung And Apple

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