Tag: 2013

What will 2015 bring?

As ever, there are several predictions for the social media world in 2015. It’s an ever changing platform, so it’s in ways impossible to accurately predict, but it’s possible to recognise trends that could come to light in the near future.

So, what does 2015 hold? In summary, you can expect the following to happen in the coming 12 months:

The importance of video will increase. Uploading creative video content directly to social media sites will be of increased value.

There may be a shift away from direct social marketing in favour of building a social community and connecting with others.

– Mobile platforms will play a major role in 2015, with an increase in marketing apps and mobile versions of social networks. Instagram, for example, will capitalise on this trend.

Paying for content distribution will be more common place and the reliance on organic reach will decrease.

There is expected to be an emphasis on data analysis. Businesses should be taking more notice of what their collected data means and how it can drive them forward.

Better data analysis will drive the plans for paid reach and a sensible spend will be beneficial to gaining valuable followers and customers.

Making the most of the interactive nature of social media will grow. Simply pushing messages out will decline in favour of interaction and engagement.

As has been the trend in the last couple of years, businesses will move a higher percentage of their marketing budgets to social media and online advertising.

For more opinions from social media experts, click here.

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