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Facebook Business Page Reach


If you are a business owner who utilises Social Media to grow your business, you have probably already seen some signs of decreasing organic reach on your Facebook Business Page. There are some indications from Facebook that this trend will continue over the coming months and businesses will have to pay to get their content seen by potential customers.

This may seem alarming and will probably frustrate you and your team, but don’t get too worried – instead look at what opportunities may arise from having more control over the target audience that will see your content.

At Kong Digital, we are strong believers in data analysis. Understanding what is happening in your social network provides you with knowledge that allows for smarter decisions on your marketing campaigns on a daily basis. Having insight into the behaviours of your online community across social platforms, online advertising and SEO is a powerful tool that will ultimately help you to win in your sector.

integrated-campaignsBy categorising social media and online advertising campaigns, you will gain a better understanding of the true demographics of the people who are most interested in the various aspects of your business. You can therefore make sure that your content is promoted to the best possible audience both demographically and geographically. Analysing your social and advertising data on a regular basis will provide you with the necessary insights to make better decisions and drive positive ROI.

Facebook is obviously looking to increase its revenue by making businesses pay to get their content seen, but by doing this they are also giving you control of your target audience. Whether your content is seen by 1000, 10,000 or 100,000 people, if they’re not interested in what you have to offer then you are wasting your time and energy.

That’s why we say “Take Control”! Understand your target audience, know what content drives engagement, recognise the signs that highlight what’s working and what’s not. Get started by allocating a small budget for your social advertising and start pinpoint targeting your potential customers and tracking the ROI of your social and advertising activity.

zuckerberg-quote-1024x576By taking control, you will greatly increase your ROI in terms of both time and money you have put into your Social Media and Advertising activity. You will also see a much better reach to engagement ratio, which in return will have a positive effect on your organic presence on social media and search engines.

We look forward to sharing more in-depth strategies over the coming months on how to get the best ROI from your Social Media and Advertising campaigns.


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